Contact with students: Τρίτη 12:00 – 14:00
Nikolaos Solomakos
Assistant Professor
Hygiene of Foods of Animal Origin
Research interests
Food safety, Public Health, natural antimicrobials in foods, modified atmosphere packaging, occurrence and behavior of foodborne pathogens in foods of animal origin.
Curriculum vitae
Dr Nikolaos Solomakos is an Assistant Professor in Hygiene of Foods of Animal Origin at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Thessaly.
He has published more than 110 papers and full abstracts in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences. He has been the project leader or member of the scientific team in national and international research projects. Dr Solomakos was honored by the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society for his research work.
He has been member of the topic editorial board of “Antibiotics” and member of the Editorial board of “Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society”.
He has been teaching “Hygiene of Foods of Animal Origin”, “Technology of Foods of Animal Origin” and “Technology and Hygiene of Milk and Milk products” for the BSc students of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-University of Thessaly. Since 2008 he has been teaching in the postgraduate programs “Applied Public Health and Environmental Hygiene”, and “Nutrition in Health and in Disease”, Faculty of Medicine-University of Thessaly.